General Versammlung
samedi 19 juin 2021 18:00-22:00, Unterer Gallezenweg 2, 4302 Augst
Yearly General Versammlung of Rotaract Basel.
We are having our GV in the Garden of my parents (Kia) house in Augst.
Please bring your own meat and maybe there is some volunteers who can bring Salads for everybody? Just let me know what you would bring and I can coordinate. I will organise softdrinks but also some people may wanna bring wine or beer for everybody, just let me know!
How to get there:
There is a Bus Stop 1' from the House (Bus 81 from Aeschenplatz to Augst BL, takes about 20') and Train Station (Salina Raurica) maybe 10' walk away from the House (from SBB 2 stops 9' train ride)
And there is space for 3 cars in front of the house and more space to park on the street (quiet street) so also parking shouldnt be an issue if you would like to come by car.
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